Agenda item

Questions from Members of the Forum and the public

In order to allow members of the Forum and members of the public to raise issues of local concern, a period of 20 minutes has been set aside.


A member of the public may speak for no more than 3 minutes.  Members of the public are not required to give notice of the issue they intend to raise, although it is expected in the case of service issues that the appropriate mechanisms for resolving the issue have been explored. 


Where a question is raised which cannot be answered at the Forum, a record will be kept by officers supporting the Forum and it will be responded to via the appropriate mechanism.


Terry Dickenson, Wheelton Parish Council, advised a response had been received from Parkwise.  An offer had been made for an out of hours visit, although this would cost a fee.  June Molyneaux, Adlington Town Council, advised a similar response had been received.  Malcolm Allen, Heapey Parish Council, noted that there were enforcement issues within the Town Centre and suggested that the Chorley Council off street parking enforcement officers also took on street parking enforcement in the Town Centre.  Laura Lennox, Astley Village Parish Council, and Steve Perry, Withnell Parish Council, highlighted parking issues in their areas.


County Councillor John Fillis, LCC Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, advised that Parkwise officers had visited Wheelton during the day, but had not seen evidence of issues.  Out of hours enforcement was not carried out across Lancashire, but would carry a charge if this was undertaken.  It was AGREED that County Councillor Fillis meet with Terry Dickenson to discuss this further.  It was suggested that any issues with dangerous parking be raised at the local PACT meeting or with PCSO’s. 


Laura Lennox, Astley Village Parish Council, advised that Town and Parish Council’s were not listed as partners on Chorley Council’s website.  Gary Hall, Chorley Council Chief Executive, advised he was aware of the issue and was dealing with it. 


Terry Dickenson, Wheelton Parish Council, requested an update on the My Parish project.  It was AGREED that an update be circulated following the meeting.  It was noted that there was reporting functionality associated with My Parish which could be helpful for Parishes to record service requests in relation to their assets.  


June Molyneaux, Adlington Town Council, highlighted the aspiration for more trains to stop at Adlington station.  Currently, one train an hour stopped and there was a wish to have two stop per hour.  County Councillor Fillis explained that the tender for the provision of train services from 2016 was currently being developed.  There was a need for authorities across the north to work together to get the best possible service from the railways going forward. 


Marel Urry, Hoghton Parish Council, queried whether dog waste could be disposed of in litter bins.  Simon Clark, Head of Health Environment and Neighbourhoods, advised that the regulations relating to this had changed a few years ago so that dog waste could be disposed of in a litter bin.  The Council had replaced the dog bins it owned with larger litter bins.  If a Parish Council wanted to have dog bins which they owned replaced with litter bins they were advised to contact the Council on 01257 515151 or email 


Laura Lennox, Astley Village Parish Council, thanked Chorley Council for the replacement of a litterbin and the inclusion of a cigarette stubber on the top.  This had had a positive impact on the litter from cigarettes in the area.  


Malcolm Allen, Heapey Parish Council, highlighted concerns about the roadworks on Market Street, Chorley potentially affecting the Christmas trade for shops in the town centre.  County Councillor Fillis advised he had recently been made aware of this issue.  He had spoken with officers in the highways department and AGREED to work with Chorley Council and the traders in the Town Centre to try and resolve this.