Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring 2014/15 Report 2

Report of Chief Executive.


1.         That the full year forecast position for the 2014/15 revenue budget and capital investment programme be noted.

2.         Following the success of the Chorley in Bloom and buy-in from the community, Council be requested to approve the setting aside of £40,000 from in-year underspend to develop proposals surrounding the in bloom concept.

3.         Approval granted to the use of £30,000 from budget savings in 2014/15 to fund the additional cost of borough-wide campaigns and events.

4.         Council be requested to approve the use of £112,000 from budget savings achieved on the Property Services contract in 2014/15 to contribute a sum of £65,000 towards the Town Hall refurbishment works and £47,000 towards the capital cost of Christmas attractions and events.  It is further proposed that any additional saving achieved in 2014/15 against this budget be transferred to the Buildings Maintenance Reserve to fund future asset improvement works.

5.         That the transfer of a sum of £30,000 received from Chorley Community Housing to an Earmarked Reserve to fund continuation of the Employability Officer post in 2015/16 be noted.

6.         That the forecast position on the Council's reserves be noted.

7.         Council be requested to approve the following additions to the capital budget all externally funded from Section 106 receipts: £120k for the programme of improvement works at Ranglett’s Recreation Ground; £63k for the improvement of the boroughs playing fields; and £2k from three small contributions to the Eaves Green development.

8.         That the addition of a £10k contribution received from Lancashire County Council to the Buttermere Play and Recreation budget be noted.

9.         Council be requested to approve the transfer of budgets between the capital and revenue budgets to better reflect future delivery of schemes – for further information see paragraph 59.

10.      Council be requested to approve the removal of an £80k budget in the capital programme originally earmarked to fund the Council’s contribution to a future highway improvement scheme which is no longer going ahead.

11.      Council be requested to approve the removal from the capital programme of £25k for IT Projects. This element of the project will be funded from in-year revenue savings rather than borrowing, which will save the Council the cost of repayment in future years.

12.      That the addition to the capital programme of £1.1m to fund the agreed Council contribution to the Croston Flood Prevention Scheme approved at Council on 23rd September 2014 be noted.

13.      Council be requested to approve the proposed re-profiling of the Capital Programme to better reflect delivery in 2014/15.


The report of the Chief Executive was presented by the Deputy Leader and Executive Member (Resources), Councillor Peter Wilson.


Members discussed the recommendations in turn and raised several queries. 


Members highlighted the fantastic work which had been undertaken by the Council, partners, schools and the community for “in bloom” and the success achieved at the North West in Bloom and Britain in Bloom awards. 



1.         That the full year forecast position for the 2014/15 revenue budget and capital investment programme be noted.

2.         Following the success of the Chorley in Bloom and buy-in from the community, Council be requested to approve the setting aside of £40,000 from in-year underspend to develop proposals surrounding the in bloom concept.

3.         Approval granted to the use of £30,000 from budget savings in 2014/15 to fund the additional cost of borough-wide campaigns and events.

4.         Council be requested to approve the use of £112,000 from budget savings achieved on the Property Services contract in 2014/15 to contribute a sum of £65,000 towards the Town Hall refurbishment works and £47,000 towards the capital cost of Christmas attractions and events.  It is further proposed that any additional saving achieved in 2014/15 against this budget be transferred to the Buildings Maintenance Reserve to fund future asset improvement works.

5.         That the transfer of a sum of £30,000 received from Chorley Community Housing to an Earmarked Reserve to fund continuation of the Employability Officer post in 2015/16 be noted.

6.         That the forecast position on the Council's reserves be noted.

7.         Council be requested to approve the following additions to the capital budget all externally funded from Section 106 receipts: £120k for the programme of improvement works at Ranglett’s Recreation Ground; £63k for the improvement of the boroughs playing fields; and £2k from three small contributions to the Eaves Green development.

8.         That the addition of a £10k contribution received from Lancashire County Council to the Buttermere Play and Recreation budget be noted.

9.         Council be requested to approve the transfer of budgets between the capital and revenue budgets to better reflect future delivery of schemes – for further information see paragraph 59.

10.      Council be requested to approve the removal of an £80k budget in the capital programme originally earmarked to fund the Council’s contribution to a future highway improvement scheme which is no longer going ahead.

11.      Council be requested to approve the removal from the capital programme of £25k for IT Projects. This element of the project will be funded from in-year revenue savings rather than borrowing, which will save the Council the cost of repayment in future years.

12.      That the addition to the capital programme of £1.1m to fund the agreed Council contribution to the Croston Flood Prevention Scheme approved at Council on 23rd September 2014 be noted.

13.      Council be requested to approve the proposed re-profiling of the Capital Programme to better reflect delivery in 2014/15.


Reasons for recommendation(s)

To ensure the Council’s budgetary targets are achieved.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Supporting documents: