Agenda item

Corporate Strategy 2014/15 to 2016/17

To consider the attached report of the Chief Executive.


Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for Resources presented a report seeking approval to the refresh of the Council’s Corporate Strategy for 2014/15 to 2016/17. The document is the key driver for the Council’s business planning process and is reviewed on an annual basis. Councillor Wilson highlighted key achievements and successes in the current year and put forward proposals for a refreshed Strategy in 2014/15.


The report summarised performance for the 2013/14 Corporate Strategy which showed that 80% of projects had been completed or were on track to be delivered by the end of April 2015.


The Corporate Strategy for 2014/15 would retain the vision, priorities and long term outcomes agreed through the comprehensive consultation carried out in 2012. The revised Strategy included 18 projects, 16 of which were new and 2 of which were carried over from the current year. 


The 16 new projects proposed were as follows:


1.    Digital access and inclusion

2.    Development and delivery of community action plans

3.    Implement a Working Together with Families Employment Scheme

4.    Chorley Flower Show

5.    Deliver improvements to Market Street

6.    Progress key employment sites

7.    Increase visitor numbers to Chorley

8.    Progress plans to extend Market Walk

9.    Destination play area at Astley Park

10.Deliver improvements to Rangletts Recreation Ground

11.Establish a business case and model for an extra care scheme

12.Explore alternative ways of providing home ownership

13.Deliver an improved CCTV provision

14.Improve the functionality of online services

15.Investigate future business models for public services in Chorley

16.Deliver the Chorley Public Services Reform Board work plan.


The two Continuation projects are:


17.Develop and agree plans for delivery of Friday Street Health Centre

18.Continue to explore options to deliver the Chorley Youth Zone


The report included 31 performance measures which would be used to monitor the Council’s progress in achieving agreed priorities and long term outcomes. Some revisions to these measures had been undertaken for 2014/15. The resourcing of the proposed projects would be through existing resources and through funding to be agreed in the 2014/15 budget process.


Councillor Paul Leadbetter submitted an alternative Corporate Strategy for 2014/15 to 2016/17 on behalf of the Conservative Group. The alternative Strategy included three core values and also referred to strategic actions rather than projects. Councillor Leadbetter stated that his group would support the Labour Group proposals if they would also agree to the following 12 of the Conservative Group strategic actions which addressed issues outside of the town centre, also being included:


1.    Promote and support community food growing

2.    Support parish councils/neighbourhood areas

3.    Promote community management of facilities

4.    Develop a rural enterprise team

5.    Review policies to ensure community facilities match housing developments

6.    Work with partners to deliver affordable public transport across the borough

7.    Deliver a “shop local” campaign

8.    Expand the offer of grants to businesses and shops across the borough

9.    Revitalise rural service centres

10.Establish a consultancy business for front and back office support and improvement

11.Undertake a comprehensive review of all council services/shared services

12.Implement a staff suggestion scheme


Councillor Mark Perks referred to the need to acknowledge and address the pockets of deprivation reflected in the 12 super output areas in the borough.


In response, the Leader of the Council referred to work already underway in rural areas through both the existing projects and the new ones proposed for 2014/15. Councillor Wilson stated that a number of actions within the Conservative Group Strategy would be undertaken as they were included in business as usual projects and community action plans, however the overall strategy would not be supported by the ruling group.


Councillor Paul Leadbetter proposed an amendment to adopt the Corporate Strategy put forward by the Executive Member for Resources, but to include  the additional 12 Conservative Group projects listed above. This was seconded by Councillor Mark Perks.


On being put to the vote this amendment was LOST


Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for Resources proposed and Councillor Alistair Bradley seconded and it was RESOLVED – that the Corporate Strategy 2014/15 to 2016/17 be approved.

Supporting documents: