Agenda item

Budget Scrutiny - Draft Budget and Summary Budget Position over the Medium Term

To consider the report of the Chief Executive (enclosed)


The Executive Member for Resources, Councillor Peter Wilson will be in attendance at the meeting.


The Committee considered a report on the draft budget position for the medium term that set out:

·         the budget position for 2015/16 including the forecast for the following two years to 2017/18

·         presentation of relevant proposals in respect of potential investment in the Council’s Corporate Strategy priorities in 2015/16, increasing draft budget resilience in the longer term;

·         the budget consultation.


Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for Resources attended the meeting to give an overview of the proposals and answer any questions of the Committee.


It was proposed that Council Tax be frozen and not increase in 2015/16.  This would be the third consecutive year that the Council had achieved a balanced budget position for the forthcoming financial year without increasing Council Tax.


The Council had seen large scale reductions in Central Government grant placing unprecedented levels of pressure on the budget. 


The proposed budgeted new investments for 2015/16 were set out within the report, and included a Chorley Flower Show and additional events at Astley Hall and Park.  Proposed capital schemes included a community centre at Buckshaw Village, a Youth Zone, improvements to Market Street and the delivery of CCTV provision, which would mean improvements to the existing service and was in response to recommendations made by a scrutiny task group.


The projected budget position consistently showed a significant budget gap in future years 2016/17 and 2017/18.  This shortfall, together with heightened uncertainty and risk in the form of year on year variable new funding regimes, meant that budget austerity measures would continue to impact on the Council’s budget.


Despite the additional funding cuts announced on 18 December 2014, a planned early budget preparation process had enabled the Council to apply its New Homes Bonus (NHB) funds to invest in the corporate strategy priorities in 2015/16 of involving residents in improving their local area, providing greater equality of access for all, clean safe and healthy communities, and an ambitious council that does more to meet the needs of the residents and the local area and a strong local economy. The decision on whether or not to use the New Homes Bonus fund to bridge the funding deficit in future years may be something the Executive Cabinet may have to consider, bearing in mind that future year rewards would be dependent on the level of housing development.


The consultation on the proposed budget would focus on obtaining feedback on the key investment areas in order to help prioritise activity.  It would also highlight the impact of a reduction in Council funds and ask residents to give the Council their views on the budget.  The consultation would invite responses from residents, partners, parish groups and other stakeholders through a variety of methods including a short survey.  Results would be analysed and published in February for consideration as part of budget finalisation. 


The Executive Member for Resources commented that they were pleased with the current budget managing arrangements and confident of their plans for the future. 


Members of the Committee asked a variety of questions that included the reasons for the provision of an additional community centre at Buckshaw Village, the improvements works to Yarrow Valley Car Park and the funding allocated to some of our partners.


The Council’s decision to invest in the provision of an additional community centre in Buckshaw Village was in response to feedback from the local residents that existing facilities were inadequate to support the size of the residential area. Exploration on how to fill this need had included extending the existing centre; however, with the development of the new Aldi supermarket taking place in the area, the Council seized the opportunity to extend existing provision by providing a new additional facility to address the local need. Consultation with local residents, parish councillors and other users of the facilities had taken place and would continue to do so as the project progressed.


Members were informed that the works to be undertaken to the Yarrow Valley Car Park will substantially upgrade the main car park on the site to provide up to 135 car parking spaces including drainage and create an improved visitor experience for those that travelled to the venue by car.


Continued support for the Food Bank in Chorley would build on existing provision to allow the scheme to effectively support those who are most vulnerable and in need of food parcels and related assistance. The Council would continue to work with partner agencies and the Storehouse themselves to ensure that the funding was allocated according to need.


A project to procure a grant finder tool that would support internal services and external partners to work with local community groups and organisations to access grant funding to improve services and facilities in the local area.


The Public Services Reform Board wanted to deliver on more schemes, like those being developed to address some of the issues associated with social isolation. The aim of the Board was to take advantage of the opportunities available within the shifting public sector landscape, maximise the impact of partnership working in areas to ensure better services for communities and more effective spending of joint resources. Work was progressing to develop resilience within the voluntary group sectors.


The Committee queried the additional capital funding being allocated to the Bengal Street site and asked for further details on this project. Other questions were also asked in relation to the improvements being made to Market Street, Chorley, the Councils funding contribution to the provision of PCSO’s and the implementation of a Chorley and Wellbeing and Resilience Service.


The Chair thanked Councillor Peter Wilson for attending the meeting and it was RESOLVED to note the report.

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