Agenda item

Development of a Combined Authority for Lancashire

To consider the attached report of the Leader of the Council.


The Leader of the Council submitted a report on the development of a Combined Authority for Lancashire, following the findings of a governance review which had been undertaken to establish the effectiveness of current working and the potential benefits of more formalised joint working.


A Combined Authority is a formal legal agreement for collaboration and co-ordination between a number of authorities on transport, regeneration and economic growth as well as skills, housing and employment. These functions were likely to be broadened under new legislation being considered by the Government. Each Council would remain a separate authority, but the Combined Authority would be a formal mechanism to work in partnership more effectively.


In the last 12 months, authorities in Lancashire – the County Council, two unitary councils and the district councils, have been working to consider the best way forward and had completed a governance review which was appended to the report and which included a number of ambitions for Lancashire as follows:


·                Prosperous Lancashire – a Lancashire that is recognised as a destination of choice, to invest in, do business in, live or visit;

·                Connected Lancashire – digital and transport connectivity to promote inclusive growth;

·                Skilled Lancashire – a skilled workforce to meet the demands of employers and future business growth;

·                Better Homes for Lancashire – better living standards for residents with good quality homes and a wide housing offer;

·                Public services working together for Lancashire – integrated public services at the heart of local communities given everyone the opportunity for a healthier life.


The conclusion of the governance review, agreed by Lancashire Leaders in September 2015, was that a Combined Authority would offer the strongest governance model to attract freedoms and flexibilities from the Government and would enable a more cohesive approach across Lancashire. Councillor Bradley was currently chairing a Working Group of Lancashire Leaders to progress their work towards the development of a shadow authority. The draft scheme for the establishment of the Combined Authority included details of membership; voting arrangements; decision making processes; scrutiny; finance and the potential powers and functions the body would have.


The report also referred to the devolution deal which some Combined Authorities had negotiated to gain additional and greater powers and devolved funding for their area. A devolution deal would need the agreement of the constituent authorities.


The Leader reported that during December and January, all Lancashire authorities would be considering a similar report on a proposed Combined Authority for Lancashire, at their Council meetings and if there was general support as expected, a public consultation exercise would take place in January/February with stakeholders, residents, businesses and community groups to seek their views. The outcome of the consultation would then see those authorities in support of a Combined Authority submitting a joint proposal to the Secretary of State for consideration. This may also include devolution proposals.


In debating this item, there was full, cross party support from Members for the Council’s participation in a Combined Authority for Lancashire.


Councillor Alistair Bradley, Leader of the Council proposed, Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for Resources seconded and it was RESOLVED - that


1.         The contents of the report be noted.


2.         The contents of the Lancashire Governance Review and  recommendations therein be noted.


3.         The contents of the draft Scheme for a Combined Authority be noted.


4.         The Council agrees to take part in the public consultation in January/February which will seek views on the formation of a Combined Authority for Lancashire.


5.         The Council agrees to consider the feedback from the public consultation and note that following this, those authorities who wish to form a Lancashire Combined Authority will submit a proposal to the Secretary of State for consideration.


6.         The Council agrees in principle to becoming a constituent member of the Combined Authority for Lancashire.


7.         Delegated authority be given to Executive Cabinet to give due consideration to the public consultation and commit the Council to becoming a constituent member of a Lancashire Combined Authority, subject to the final sign-off of full Council.


Supporting documents: