Agenda item

General Fund Revenue and Capital Budget and Council Tax 2016/17

To seek approval to recommendations from the Executive contained in a report of the Chief Executive and within the appendices listed below.


Members are reminded that there is now a requirement under the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) Regulations 2014 to record how all councillors have voted on decisions at budget setting meetings, including any proposed amendments.


Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for Resources presented the Executive’s General Fund Revenue and Capital Budget and Council Tax proposals for 2016/17.


Councillor Wilson thanked the finance team for their assistance in putting together the budget which would enable the delivery of the priorities contained in the Corporate Strategy. Significant budget efficiencies had been achieved and this would enable the delivery of a balanced budget in 2016/17; would enable Council tax to be frozen for a further year; and allow investment of £1.4m in projects to meet corporate priorities.


In summary, the report put forward by the Executive:


·         Freezes Council Tax for a fourth year in 2016/17


·         Addresses the previously forecasted budget deficit position for 2016/17 in advance of the year, delivering £1.167m worth of budget efficiencies.


·         Does not contain cuts to front line services.


·         Delivers Revenue and Capital New Investments totalling £3.167m.


·         Brings the total committed to New Investments since 2013/14 to £12.330m.


·         Is consistent with the Corporate Priorities and aims to bring income into the Council.


·         Seeks to bridge the forecasted budget gap by generating additional income, in particular through expanding the business rates tax base and invest-to-earn projects.


·         Is consistent with the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


·         Minimises the revenue impact of the Council’s borrowing commitment to fund the Capital Programme.


·         Enhances the financial resilience of the Council’s budget by increasing the level of working balances from £3.0m to £4.0m by the end of 2018/19.


The following appendices were included in the main report on the General Fund Revenue and Capital Budget and Council Tax for 2016/17, providing supporting information to the budget proposals:


Appendix A1

Explanation of Council Tax Resolution 2016/17

Appendix A2

Pay Policy 2016/17

Appendix A3

Fees and Charges Income 2016/17

Appendix B1

Capital Programme 2016/17 to 2018/19

Appendix B2

Capital Programme 2016/17 to 2018/19 Financing

Appendix B3

Developers’ Contributions

Appendix C

Budget Investment Package 2016/17

Appendix C1

Budget Investment Project Mandates

Appendix D

Treasury Management Strategy 2016/17 to 2018/19

Appendix E

Statutory Financial Officer Report

Appendix F

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2016/17 to 2018/19

Appendix F1

Analysis of Budget Variations

Appendix G

Variance Analysis - Budget Movements 2015/16 to 2016/17

Appendix H

Special Expenses and Parish Precepts 2016/17

Appendix I

Budget Consultation 2016/17

Appendix J

Assessing the Impact of 2016/17 Budget Proposals


In presenting the report, Councillor Wilson referred to the major financial challenges facing local government, in particular the phasing out of Revenue Support Grant to local authorities from 2020 and changes to the New Homes Bonus. He referred to the need to be bold; the Council was investing heavily in front line services, and also in revenue sources which could increase income in order to help make the Council self-sufficient for the future. There was still a need to continue with efficiency savings but the outcomes from the budget consultation were very positive.


Executive Leader Councillor Alistair Bradley seconded the proposals, stating that despite the cuts, the Council would still be striving to get the best for its residents. Chorley was bucking the trend in Lancashire with the highest employment figures and was seeking to be at the forefront of the Northern Powerhouse. Money was being set aside to help deal with some of the cuts imposed by Lancashire County Council.


Before moving to the vote, the Mayor asked the Conservative Group to present their Alternative Budget.

Supporting documents: