Agenda item

Fleet Street Extra Care Scheme

To consider the attached report of the Chief Executive.


Councillor Graham Dunn, Executive Member for Customer and Advice Services presented a report with a detailed update on the proposal to develop the Fleet Street Extra Care Scheme, and seeking approval to proceed with the project.


Councillor Dunn indicated that demographic forecasts showed a clear need for this type of supported accommodation both now and into the future to avoid over use of residential care. The type of retirement village proposed would provide additional care and support for older people, and was still a fairly new concept, with only a few similar schemes in existence elsewhere.


It had taken some time to get the proposals to this point, but funding was now in place with Government support through a Homes and Community Agency grant of almost £3m and support from Lancashire County Council of £1m in return for this Council’s commitment to a Partnership Agreement and  associated grant conditions. LCC would procure the care and support provider for the scheme, linked to their adult social care responsibilities.


Previous reports to Council had considered the detail of the proposals including location and consultation; community facilities including dance hall and café; and the public realm proposals including car parking. The report submitted, provided detailed financial implications for the capital scheme and also ongoing revenue financing. There was an element of financial risk linked to both the take up of the accommodation and any changes in welfare reform as well as the need for prudential borrowing if the expected level of S106 funding was delayed. Overall it was felt that there would be significant demand for tenancies and in the long term the scheme would generate income for the Council.


Councillor Paul Leadbetter, Leader of the Conservative Group expressed his group’s support for the scheme and queried whether any early stage deficit would be shared with LCC. This was not likely to be the case as the Council’s preference would be for Chorley Borough residents to be offered tenancies.


Councillor Graham Dunn, Executive Member for Customer and Advice Services proposed and Councillor Bev Murray, Executive Member for Early Intervention seconded and it was RESOLVED (subject to the removal of reference to the Camelot site in paragraph 68 of the report) –


1.         That the Care and Specialised Care Grant be accepted in the sum of £2,868,750 from the HCA and the Council be authorised to enter into a grant agreement with the HCA.


2.         The income and expenditure in the financial models outlined in Appendix One at both LHA and affordable weekly rental levels be noted. The overall financial impact (para 72) including the revenue deficit identified in early years of occupation under both models be also noted.


3.         That the use of temporary prudential borrowing of approximately £5.9m with consequent revenue costs of £223k per annum be approved. It be noted that this will be replaced with offsite Section 106 contributions that have been identified but not yet realised.


4.         That an increase of £275k of the extra care capital budget from £9.472m to £9.747m be approved to fund estimated additional project management and quantity surveyor fees.


5.         That the Lancashire Regeneration Property Partnership be used as the procurement route for the main contractor for the development of the building.


6.         That the award of the contract for the construction be made at a future General Purposes Committee if required.


7.         That the scheme be named as ‘Primrose Village’ and described as ‘Retirement Living’.


8.         That delegated power be granted to the Director of Business, Development and Growth (or the Chief Executive in the event that the appointee is not in post) in consultation with the Head of Legal, Democratic and HR Services to negotiate and complete various agreements including:

a.    with local residents on shared use and maintenance of the unadopted street along the northern boundary of the development;

b.    an agreement with local residents and any other interested parties regarding improvement and landscaping of land to the rear of properties along Gillibrand Walks;

c.    an agreement with the owner of the Job Centre and any other interested parties for the improvement of the land between the southern boundary of the development and the Job Centre; and

d.    any other necessary legal documentation.


9.         That the Council elects under Section 124 of the Housing Act 1996 to operate an introductory tenancy regime.


10.      That authority be delegated to the Head of Legal, Democratic and HR Services to effect appropriation of the part of the site used as a car park away from purposes under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to purposes under the Housing Acts.


11.      That a Variation of the Off Street Car Parking Order made by Chorley Council in 2008 be made, to remove the Fleet Street Car Park, subject to consultation with the Police and Lancashire County Council and publication of the proposal.


12.      That a tender be developed to secure a commercial tenant for the café.


13.      That the arrangements for the temporary decant of the St John building users be noted.