Agenda item

Care Leavers Council Tax Discount

Report of the Director of Customer and Digital (enclosed)


Approval granted to:

a)    change the existing discretionary hardship policy which applies to council tax payers who receive Council Tax support (CTS) to make provision for Care Leavers who meet the CTS criteria to be granted 100% relief from paying Council Tax from 1 April 2017.

b)    change the Council’s discretionary hardship policy which applies to council tax payers who do not receive CYS to provide 100% relief of Chorley Council’s element of the Council Tax for al Care Levers who do not meet the CTS criteria up until the age of 25.

c)    Write to all major preceptors to make them aware of the difficulties care leavers face, and asking them to support giving all car leavers 100% relief until the age of 25 by contributing to the cost chargeable to this council’s General Fund in proportion to their share of council tax income for 2017/18.


The Executive Member (Customer and Advice) presented a report of the Director of Customer and Digital that highlighted the difficulties that Care Leavers can face when they leave care (aged 16 or over), and have to manage their own budgets for the first time.


To support care leavers, the report recommended making changes to our Council Tax Scheme (CTS) discretionary hardship policy to give Care Leavers who meet the CTS criteria 100% Council Tax relief until they reach the age of 25. It also recommended that where a Care Leaver didn’t meet the CTS criteria, the Council offers Council Tax relief of Chorley Council’s element, which is roughly a 10% discount.


The Council would then encourage all preceptors to offer the same support to Car Leavers, with the aim of enabling all care leavers to benefit from 100% council tax relief until they reach the age of 25.



Approval granted to:

a)    change the existing discretionary hardship policy which applies to council tax payers who receive Council Tax support (CTS) to make provision for Care Leavers who meet the CTS criteria to be granted 100% relief from paying Council Tax from 1 April 2017.

b)   change the Council’s discretionary hardship policy which applies to council tax payers who do not receive CYS to provide 100% relief of Chorley Council’s element of the Council Tax for al Care Levers who do not meet the CTS criteria up until the age of 25.

c)    Write to all major preceptors to make them aware of the difficulties care leavers face, and asking them to support giving all care leavers 100% relief until the age of 25 by contributing to the cost chargeable to this council’s General Fund in proportion to their share of council tax income for 2017/18.


Reasons for recommendation(s)

Lancashire County Council has provided information that many young adults that leave the care of Lancashire County Council find it difficult to begin the transition out of care into adulthood.


Awarding former care leavers who meet the council tax scheme criteria council tax relief until they are 25 years will assist this vulnerable group to make the transition from care to adult life is as smooth as possible, and will mitigate the chances of care leavers  falling into debt as they begin to manage their own finances. It is recommended that they should be exempt from paying Council Tax until they are 25.


Changing the Council’s discretionary hardship policy for care leavers who do not meet the CTS criteria, will provide them with some level of relief, and also show other major preceptors that the council consider it important to support Care Leavers. It is hoped that leading by example will encourage other preceptors to offer the same support and relief.


Alternative options considered and rejected:

The Council could choose to have no special provision for this group. The existing hardship policies could already be used to provide discretionary financial assistance, however, this would only be if all the current conditions in the policy were met.

Supporting documents: