Agenda item

Play, Open Space and Playing Pitch Strategy

Report of Director (Business, Development and Growth).


1.    Approval granted for the next phase of projects to enable continued delivery of the play, open space and playing pitch strategy and associated action plan.

2.    The allocation of Section 106 monies to the schemes identified in the refreshed strategy action plan be noted.

3.    Delegated approval granted of the detailed projects and associated tender exercise to the Executive Member subject to consultation with appropriate ward members.

4.    Approval granted for the commission of a new Open Space, Playing Pitches and Recreation Strategy in partnership with South Ribble and Preston Councils linking into the upcoming Local Plan review to provide a new strategy from 2020 to 2025 at an estimated cost of £30,000.


The Executive Leader presented a report of the Director of Business, Development and Growth that updated members on the delivery on the Play, Open Spaces and Playing Pitch Strategy and sought approval for the allocation of existing Section 106 money to schemes, as identified within the Strategy and in accordance with site assessments and policy, in order to continue its delivery.


The existing Strategy is a five year plan from 2014 – 2019 and with the fourth year almost complete, the Council are now working to deliver year five and plan for future years. All of the sites identified in the action plan were those that scored low for quality or value or those which are located in areas of high usage and subsequently need investment to improve and modernise facilities and infrastructure. A forward plan is needed in advance to justify the collection of developer contributions from new developments and also inform the pooling of Section 106 monies.


The report provided an update on completed schemes to date and detailed the next round of schemes, following a ‘light touch’ assessment and strategy refresh by officers, pending the publication of the new Open Space and Sports Recreation Strategy 2020 – 2025 which is expected to be completed by Spring 2019. Consultation with Members and the public will be carried out by external consultants throughout 2018 in order to capture suggestions for sites not already included in the existing Strategy.


An overview of the approximate budgets required against the types of schemes was also provided along with the amounts of funding already receipted for spend against each one.


Members discussed the provision of play equipment for older children and adults. Schemes like Trim Trails to promote healthier lifestyles have been earmarked for inclusion at Coronation Recreational Ground and the Westway Campus.



1.    Approval granted for the next phase of projects to enable continued delivery of the play, open space and playing pitch strategy and associated action plan.

2.    The allocation of Section 106 monies to the schemes identified in the refreshed strategy action plan be noted.

3.    Delegated approval granted of the detailed projects and associated tender exercise to the Executive Member subject to consultation with appropriate ward members.

4.    Approval granted for the commission of a new Open Space, Playing Pitches and Recreation Strategy in partnership with South Ribble and Preston Councils linking into the upcoming Local Plan review to provide a new strategy from 2020 to 2025 at an estimated cost of £30,000.


Reasons for recommendation(s):

In order to require and collect developer contributions for Play and Open Space, the Council needs to have in place a strategy which sets out where that investment is required. The Council continually requests and collects Section 106 contributions that are allocated to scheme ready for delivery when all the money required is collected.


Alternative options considered and rejected:

If the Council does not have a forward plan of schemes, it would lose the opportunity to request contributions from developers. Section 106 contributions must be spent within a certain timeframe on the agreed scheme; any monies collected could be at risk if not spent.

Supporting documents: