Agenda item

Market Walk Update

To consider a report of the Director (Business, Development and Growth).

Please note Appendix A and D are confidential and will be considered in private session. 


Councillor Alistair Bradley, Executive Leader, presented the report of the Director (Business, Development and Growth).  The report updates members on the current status of the project, together with an overview of the main options available to the Council going forward.  It also outlines associated parking, public realm and enablement projects which are linked to the delivery of the options.


In proposing the report Councillor Bradley explained that the concerns of businesses have been taken into account and action has been taken relating to the provision of car parking spaces.  There has been a great deal of feedback on the proposals, both positive and negative, which has informed the proposals. 


Three options are set out within the report;

Option 1 Continue with extension at earliest opportunity in its existing design,

Option 2 Commission a partial redesign of the layout, based on the building footprint from the original design to increase flexibility in lettings and then continue to build at the earliest opportunity,

Option 3 Stop and reinstate the Flat Iron Car Park to a high quality permanent finish.


Discussions are ongoing with the cinema and the architects who are already signed up, and Marks and Spencer food have reopened discussions for a unit within the development, although on a slightly smaller footprint.  At this point it is not possible to guarantee their occupancy or a date by which they will sign. 


It is important for the Town Centre that the development takes place, and delivers what residents want, including the cinema, leisure and retail units.  This is supported by the Town Centre master plan. 


Currently, there is enough interest to generate a profit of £70k per annum, however, if the units are all full £350k will be generated for the council.   The current design is flexible enough to deliver what is needed and if the council wait for guarantees the project may well not go ahead.


Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member (Resources), noted that the council has to stop, or move forward.  The council have liaised with town centre traders and are committed to ensuring that the markets remain vibrant. 


Councillor Alan Cullen's expressed concerns at the proposals, the high risk nature of the project, the impact of the internet on shopping habits  and that further consideration is needed to retain the unique qualities of the town.  


Councillor Bradley noted that Chorley Council, and not a private developer, will gain the benefit of the profit from the extension, as had been planned in previous years.  The council has three future income streams; council tax, business rates and rents. 


Members considered the need to invest in the core of the town centre, the need to provide adequate car parking as the extension will be built on the Flat Iron car park, and the risks associated with the extension. 


Councillor Chris France noted that the financial projections are based on assumptions, although these assumptions are based on evidence.  The need to provide a town centre that young people wish to visit and spend their money is important moving forwards. 


Councillor Alistair Bradley, Executive Leader proposed, Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member for Resources, seconded the DECISION:  To take progress option 2: to commission a partial redesign of the layout, based on the building footprint from the original design to increase flexibility in lettings and then continue to build at the earliest opportunity. 

Supporting documents: