Agenda item

Coronation Recreation Ground Phase 2 Approval and Phase 1 Update

Report of the Director (Business, Development and Growth)


Approval granted for:

1.    The procurement approach for phase two at Coronation Recreation Ground.

2.    Delegated Authority to the Executive Leader and Executive Member (Economic Development and Public Service Reform)  for the awarding of the phase two contract.

3.    Submission of a funding bid to Fields in Trust for £5k active Spaces Funding for the provision of finance to deliver structured sessions to engage the community to use the new facilities at Harpers Lane Recreational Ground.


The Executive Leader presented the report of the Director (Business, Development and Growth) that sought approval for the tender process for Phase two works at Coronation and Harpers Recreation Grounds. The report also provided an update on the Phase one tender process.


Following Executive Cabinet approval in November 2017 it was agreed that £449,000 be allocated to Coronation Recreation Ground and £207,000 be allocated to Harpers Lane Recreation Ground, funded by existing Council reserves and capital receipts, already committed to play and open development, along with S106 developer contributions and external funding bids.


As the total value for the phase 2 procurement was unknown owing to the tendering of phase 1, the procurement approach of phase 2 was agreed to be determined by Executive Cabinet once grant funding had been confirmed and the total cost of phase 1 was fixed.


Funding bids have been successful, providing £88,000 towards the project at Coronation Recreation Ground and the pre-tender estimate for delivery of phase 1 on both sites was £150,000 which will carry out essential maintenance works that have been agreed through member engagement. The appointed contractor following tender evaluation quoted £162,000 (including contingency) resulting in budgets needing to be realigned.


Phase 2 works at Coronation Recreation Ground will consist of a play area for 2-8 ages to the value of £150,000 an a MUGA, fitness zone and play equipment for 8+ to a contract value of £170,000. It was proposed to tender the two Design and Build contracts separately that would run concurrently. The Council’s procurement team have been engaged in this decision and endorsed the approach being taken.


It was noted that the provision of CCTV was planned for the next phase, although the Leader informed the meeting that they would try to bring his forward to afford protection of the newly installed equipment.


Decision: Approval granted for:

1.    The procurement approach for phase two at Coronation Recreation Ground.

2.    Delegated Authority to the Executive Leader and Executive Member (Economic Development and Public Service Reform) for the awarding of the phase two contract.

3.    Submission of a funding bid to Fields in Trust for £5k active Spaces Funding for the provision of finance to deliver structured sessions to engage the community to use the new facilities at Harpers Lane Recreational Ground.


Reasons for recommendation(s)

1.  To deliver the commitments to improve Coronation recreation and Harpers Recreation Grounds as included in the Play, Open Spaces and Playing Pitch Strategy. This work is proposed to be carried out in phases to keep the recreation grounds open for use throughout the enhancement.

2.  To spend the Section 106 developer contributions and external funding which has been collected for these improvements.

3.  To maintain the assets and ensure they remain in good repair and therefore reduce any health and safety risk to the public and encourage inward investment in the Borough.

4.  To promote the use of the space by the community and contribute to the health and wellbeing of the community.


Alternative options considered and rejected:


To do no improvements. This is rejected because it would result in the loss of the section 106 developer contributions, external funding and increase the risk of those assets falling into serious disrepair which is a reputational health and safety risk.


Supporting documents: