Agenda item

Housing Stock Transfer Update


The Executive Leader presented an update report on the results of the ballot of secure and introductory tenants on the transfer of the Council’s housing stock to Chorley Community Housing Limited (CCH) and seeking approval to a number of recommendations to progress and effect the transfer.


The report confirmed that there had been a 69.6% turnout and that 63.1% of the tenants had voted in favour of the stock transfer.  Only 36.9% voted no.  Consequently the report sought Council’s acceptance of the ballot result and recommended changes to the membership of the Board of Chorley Community Housing Limited and a revised post-ballot budget.


RESOLVED – 1)  That the tenant’s ballot result be accepted and that the Council proceeds with its transfer of its housing stock to Chorley Community Housing Limited, subject to the Council agreeing a satisfactory Transfer Contract and obtaining the Secretary of State’s consent under the Housing Act 1985.


2)         That Councillors A Cain and Mrs M Gray be nominated to replace Councillors F Culshaw and P Malpas as the Council’s representative on the Board of Chorley Community Housing Limited.


3)         That the revised post ballot budget set out in Appendix 2 in the submitted report, be approved.

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