Agenda item

Performance Focus - Early Intervention and Support

To consider and receive the report of the Director (Policy and Governance). 


The Chair, Councillor John Walker, welcome Councillor Bev Murray, Executive Member (Early Intervention and Support), Chris Sinnott, Deputy Chief Executive and Director (Early Intervention and Support) and Angela Barrago, (Health and Wellbeing Manager). 


Rebecca Aziz-Brook, Transformation Programme Coordinator, presented the report of the Director (Policy and Governance) which set out contextual information on performance relating to the Early Intervention and Support Directorate.


Health and Wellbeing

The Panel noted several corrections on the report relating to the Health and Wellbeing performance indicators. 


Members discussed the Neighbourhood Priorities and plans to work in a partnership approach with Parish Councils to make best use of any Community Infrastructure funding.  The new post of Neighbourhood Priorities Officer will oversee delivery and support reporting and communicating of progress on neighbourhood priorities. 


Members noted work relating to “barriers to employment” and that “Chorley Works” is aimed at assisting adults into work, rather than young people.  Proposals will be presented to a future Executive Cabinet on the future direction of “Chorley Works”. 


Members discussed apprenticeships and noted that money can be drawn down from the Government to assist with apprentices.  Eric Wright and Wilmott Dixon both have apprenticeship schemes. 


Members discussed bed blocking and the positive impact the Disabled Facilities Grants (DFGs) can have.  This is a significant issue for hospitals in Central Lancashire.  Officers have been able to utilise Occupational Therapists from within the Integrated Wellbeing Service to reduce waiting times for DFGs.  DFG’s can eliminate the need for a social care package as the person returns to their own home. 


Housing Solutions

Members queried the performance for “% rent collected at Cotswold Supported Housing” and noted that this relates to the timing of housing benefits payments. 


Regulatory Services

Members were advised that a “proactive housing inspection” occurs when the Council write to tenants (mainly housing benefit claimants) and ask if they would like their home to be inspected.  This was a recommendation from an Overview and Scrutiny inquiry and aims to give tenants another option to address any issues, without having to go through their landlord.  Councillors can request these inspections on behalf of tenants. 


Members requested the mix of private rented and registered providers and how the tenants are selected.  It was suggested this would be helpful at the commencement of a tenancy. 


Integrated Wellbeing Service

The Service is a partnership between Chorley Council and Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust involving around 170 members of staff.  The teams within the Early Intervention and Support directorate work alongside teams from LCFT including, Mindsmatter, Community Restart, Community Therapies, Learning Disabilities and the 0 to 19 service with an aim of changing how we deliver services to improve prevention and early intervention and reduce demand on public services.


There are no current performance indicators and it is difficult to measure the lack of future contact averted through early actions undertaken.  Members requested performance indicators be developed for quarterly performance monitoring undertaken by Executive Cabinet.   


There are plans to look at a refernet in the future – there is a need to look at the bigger picture in terms of helping vulnerable people, often with complex needs.  The work done through PIVOT can greatly assist vulnerable people who have contact with a number of agencies. 


It was confirmed that Councillor Murray and Councillor Morgan both sit on the Chorley Integrated Community Wellbeing Service - Executive Steering Group. 


The Chair thanked Councillor Bev Murray, Chris Sinnott and Angela Barrago for their attendance. 



That the report be noted.

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