Agenda item

Meals on Wheels

To receive and consider the report of the Director of Change and Delivery.


1.    To agree that the Council enters into a two-year contract with provider ICare to cover the period of 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2024.

2.    To delegate authority to the Executive Member for Resources to approve eligibility criteria for the scheme to ensure it remains targeted at those most in need.


Councillor Alistair Bradley, Executive Member (Economic Development and Public Service Reform) presented the report of the Director of Change and Delivery on behalf of Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member (Resources). The report provides details on the arrangements for the provision of the ‘Meals on Wheels’ service in Chorley.


The subsidised Meals on Wheels service in Chorley is currently being provided by ICare and has been since 23 February 2018. Following a soft marketing exercise undertaken in 2019 to understand the availability of providers for the service, ICare were the only provider to meet the requirements of the service. A subsequent review was undertaken in 2022 to review the local market and once again, no new suitable suppliers have been identified.


To ensure that the service continues to provide value for money and meets the aims and objectives to support older people to remain living independently in their home for as long as they are able to and help to overcome issues related to social isolation, the council will work with the contractor to:

·         Explore options on how more individuals can be supported within the scheme,

·         Monitor contract performance and ensure that as many people as possible are benefiting,

·         Agree managed price increases to limit impact on service users.


Members welcomed the report and suggested working with the hospital to increase the uptake of the service when discharging patients, as well as liaising with Parish Council’s and voluntary organisations. It was agreed that this would be looked into.



1.    To agree that the Council enters into a two-year contract with provider ICare to cover the period of 01/01/2023 – 31/12/2024.

2.    To agree that authority is delegated to the Executive Member for Resources to approve eligibility criteria for the scheme to ensure it remains targeted at those most in need.


Reasons for recommendations:

1.    That the council continues with provision of a subsidised meals on wheels service particularly with the rising cost of living and wider demands on access to social care. The provision of the service enables individuals to remain in their own homes, reduces social isolation and can support early action and intervention.

2.    That authority is delegated to the Executive Member for Resources to approve in contract price increases based on the volatility of the current market and inflationary pressures that would at points require modest increases to the council’s contribution to limit impacts on service users.


Other options considered and rejected:

1.    Options were considered to deliver an alternative model of providing a subsidised frozen meals on wheels service, however this would not include the safe and well check requirement which is a fundamental role of this service.

2.    The council could cease delivery of the subsidised Meals on Wheels service based on the number of users, however the service caters to a vulnerable section of the community and removing the provision at this time of increasing costs and pressures on the care system would not be in the interests of the council and its service users.

Supporting documents: