To receive and consider the report of the Director of Communities.
Background information was provided about the Community Safety Partnership, its role and purpose within the community.
The report highlighted an overall decrease in anti-social behaviour, but there was a group of young people that caused concern, with three or four young individuals identified as the ring leaders. In recent surveys, anti-social behaviour was cited as the greatest concern for the residents in Chorley. It was noted that teenage anti-social behaviour accounted for 22% of reported antisocial behaviour, but it was clarified that breaches of Covid restrictions, neighbour disputes, noise complaints, etc, all were collated within the antisocial behaviour figure.
Civil orders and interventions had been taken to prevent the key individuals from engaging in and encouraging antisocial behaviour in other young people. Support was available to direct young people away from that behaviour. Evidence of antisocial behaviour had been used against the perpetrators and their parents. One individual was now banned from entering the town centre, a breach of this this condition would result in their arrest.
Other actions taken included a dispersal order enacted at the end of January that encompassed the town centre.
The police were proactively engaged with young people and parents, any evidence of failing or negligent parental oversight and any safeguarding issues would be referred to partner agencies as a child criminal exploitation (CCE) concern.
There was said to be a positive relationship between the police, the council and other partners. Within schools, work was underway to reduce knife possession and crime. Certain rumours were acknowledged and addressed as an incident was understood to have occurred, but exaggeration had taken place. The response taken had been tailored to deal with the problem effectively for the long term.
It was highlighted that although some non-police matters were passed on from the housing associations, they were receptive and were a positive factor within the partnership.
PCSO’s and Neighbourhood Officers could be dispatched to any area that would benefit from an increased presence. Roadshows and engagement stalls were also available upon request. Members expressed uncertainty about the effectiveness of the Neighbourhood Officers as incidents of drugs and anti-social behaviour were not actioned and was told “there was nothing to be done about it”. The inspector was unhappy that this was the experience some Members had faced and reiterated that things could be done, and Members should make contact in the event of a reoccurrence in the response.
The Community Safety Partnership was now meeting again, and relied significantly on voluntary, community and faith organisations. Work was underway with street pastors to provide support during the nighttime economy.
It was queried for clarity the line at paragraph 15 “Chorley is the only Local Authority within Lancashire in which Vulnerability Present, but no Ideology or Counter Terrorism Risk is not referred as an ideology.” It was explained that the figures and information about referrals could not be shared, but it was a low number. The statement was a category within the Prevent program that identified vulnerability, but was not fueled by extreme racial, religious or identity ideology.
Members raised concern that the police station was to move from the Town Centre to Exton Lake Campus. The Inspector agreed with the sentiment given but added that it was still in the early stages and there was consideration for a satellite office with officers in the town centre.
Members believed that it was important for an easy, and clear pathway to be available for those affected by crime, or a witness to come forward
Resolved: The report was noted.
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