The Head of Human Resources, Hollie Walmsley, presented a report giving detailed information regarding the following:
1. Exit interview data analysis and an example exit interview
2. Living Wage Accreditation summary and next steps.
3. 2023/24 Recruitment Strategy report to SMT and project plan
4. Equality and Diversity – equality monitoring and people with disabilities
5. Workforce planning summary
6. Policies which support recruitment and retention – specifically Parental Leave, Leave, Recruitment, selection, and on-boarding.
The documents relating to (4) Equality and Diversity – equality monitoring andpeople with disabilities and HR policies at (6) were previously made available on the modern.gov. library. The other documents were appended to the report.
Exit interviews
As regards exit interviews, the report indicated that in July 2023 the exit interview process was refreshed and relaunched. All leavers were offered an exit interview, however this was not compulsory and as such only 8 people had so far engaged.
The report summarised that reasons for leaving were due to relocation, promotion, other opportunity in a different sector and one was unhappy with working for the council. 7 would recommend the council as an employer one wouldn’t; 7 would work for the council again one wouldn’t; 7 agree that the council is a good employer and 1 doesn’t. The negative responses were all from the same person.
Hollie Walmsley explained that people who had already raised issues previously were more likely to complete exit interviews, which tends to be reflected in the figures. However, Human Resources try and get as much feedback as possible either in person or in writing.
The Council also obtains feedback from its employees throughout their employment, via regular one to one meetings with line managers, and personal development reviews.
Living Wage Accreditation
Hollie Walmsley explained that at present although the Council paid the Living Wage to all its directly employed staff, its sub-contractors were not all meeting that criterion. Hence the Council currently did not have the Living Wage Accreditation.
It was suggested that options be explored to address this e.g. via the procurement route. This would be a long term project as would involve a review of the Council’s contracts once they were due to expire.
Recruitment Strategy
Hollie Walmsley outlined a number of improvements the Council was making with regard to recruitment, including use of LinkedIn, and developing a dedicated front-end micro website for job vacancies. This would reduce recruitment costs as the Council would not be relying on outside agencies.
Hollie Walmsley also outlined other recruitment initiatives such promoting the Council at careers events (e.g. for school leavers) and investing in the local community via apprenticeships / opportunities to gain professional qualifications with the Council. This “upskilling” approach was something the Council also promoted to its partners. It was noted that a “careers day” was due to be held on 9 October.
A query was made about learning agreements, where people must stay with the Council for a certain length of time after gaining a qualification (this doesn’t apply to apprenticeships, however). Hollie Walmsley stressed that where a learning agreement was in place, employees would be provided with a clear pathway of career development. She also stressed that this approach ensured that new employees quickly move off the “bottom rung” of the organisation, freeing up space for new recruits and refreshing the workforce.
Workforce Planning
A question was asked regarding the impact of staffing levels on the performance of the Council e.g. recently members had been informed the Statement of Accounts was published late due to staffing levels. Hollie Walmsley explained that staffing structures are very lean, and it was the responsibility of Shared Leadership Team to manage resources in line with service need.
Members highlighted “pinch points” at certain times of year which could be predicted and form part of business planning e.g. garden waste is seasonal.
Hollie Walmsley explained that this detail would be addressed at Service Plan level. She stressed that transferring staff from other services is generally not practicable, because skill sets are different and teams do not have the capacity.
1. That the report and information relayed at the meeting be noted;
2. That the Head of Human Resources be requested to investigate the feasibility of the Council working towards the Living Wage Accreditation.