Issue - decisions

Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring 2016/17 Report 3 (end of December 2016)

17/02/2017 - Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring 2016/17 Report 3 (end of December 2016)

1.     That the full year forecast position for the 2016/17 revenue budget and capital investment programme be noted.

2.     That the forecast position on the Council’s reserves be noted.

3.     To request Full Council to grant approval for the contribution of £150,000 from in-year revenue underspends to the Change Management Reserve to finance one-off redundancy and pension strain costs arising from transformation and shared services strategies.

4.     To request Full Council to grant approval venue underspends to the Change Management Reserve to the Buildings Maintenance Reserve to finance one-off costs relating to office utilisation and transformational change.

5.     To request Full Council to grant approval of the following increases and additions to the capital programme:

a.     £20k increase in the CCTV capital budget to complete the installation of CCTV equipment to be funded from underspends on the CCTV revenue maintenance budget.

b.     £27k budget increase for Ranglett’s recreation project for woks to the surrounding roads to meet LCC requirements for a crossing.

c.      £100k increase in the Astley 2020 budget to increase the Council’s match funding for a HLF grant bid from £100k to £200K to secure a £2m HLF grant that is necessary to meet the scope of works required to fully renovate the Hall.

d.     £2.947m for the purchase of HCA employment land to be funded through the sale of Council residential land and prudential borrowing.

e.     £2.2m for the Bank Hall project of which the Council will act as the accountable body for receiving requests for HLF grant. The grant money will be paid to the Council and the Council will then pay monies over to the claimants.

6.            To request Full Council to note the changes to the capitalprogramme to reflect delivery in 2016/17 and 2017/18