Issue - decisions

Election of the Deputy Mayor for the Council Year 2017/18

03/12/2019 - Election of the Deputy Mayor for the Council Year 2017/18

It was formally proposed by Councillor Anthony Gee, and seconded by Councillor Adrian Lowe, that Councillor Margaret Lees be elected as Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Chorley for the forthcoming Council Year.


All other political group leaders spoke in support of the appointment.


RESOLVED – that Councillor Margaret Lees be elected as Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Chorley for the forthcoming Council year.


Councillor Margaret Lees thanked Members for her appointment to the role of Deputy Mayor of the Borough and announced that Councillor Roy Lees would be her Deputy Consort for the year.



There was a brief adjournment to allow the Retiring Mayor and her Consort, the newly elected Mayor and his Mayoress, and the newly elected Deputy Mayor and her Consort to exchange Mayoral robes and badges of office in the Mayor’s Parlour.


On resuming the meeting, Councillor Perks signed the declaration of acceptance of office of Mayor, and Councillor Lees signed the declaration of acceptance of office of Deputy Mayor.


Councillor Mark Perks in the Chair


The Mayor thanked Councillors for his appointment and Mrs Pat Haughton for agreeing to act as his Mayoress. He announced that Reverend John Cree would act as his Chaplain for the year and that his chosen charities would be Lancashire Mind and Young Addaction.