Issue - decisions

Chorley Council Corporate Strategy

03/12/2019 - Chorley Council Corporate Strategy

Councillor Peter Wilson, Executive Member (Resources) presented the report of the Director (Policy and Governance) seeking approval to the refresh of the Council’s Corporate Strategy for 2018/19 – 2020/21.


The report provides a summary of the performance of the Corporate Strategy in 2017/18 and the changes proposed as part of the Corporate Strategy refresh for 2018/19.


The Corporate Strategy for 2017/18 delivered improvements for core service provision such as streetscene services, neighbourhood working and housing.  It also drove key development projects through to completion to make improvements to services across the borough and transforming the way the Council operates to ensure the best provision for the residents of Chorley. 


This year, the construction of Primrose Gardens, completion of the Youth Zone and the development of Market Walk provide examples of activity by the Council to boost the wider economy and ensure sustainable future provision for people of all ages in Chorley.


For 2018/19 – 2020/21, the Corporate Strategy vision and long term outcomes have been refreshed to reinforce the Council’s commitment to supporting all residents in both rural and urban areas, and ensuring access to services via both traditional and digital channels.


Projects have been reviewed and refreshed to reinforce the direction of travel for the Council, some projects will continue through 2018/19.  Provision of better services will also be reflected in the new projects including improvements to playing pitches and building community resilience.  In addition, the delivery of the Digital Office Park and Housing Company which balances a more commercial approach to ensure the long term sustainability of Council services with a commitment to addressing social housing needs across the borough.


The performance measures which help assess how the Council is improving and whether the Council is achieving its long term goals have also been reviewed and updated.  The four key priorities remain the same. 


The following projects are included within the Corporate Strategy:


Involving residents in improving their local area and equality of access for all

·                Develop Astley Hall and park as a visitor destination

·                Support people from across the borough to be digitally included

·                Develop a framework for building community resilience and delivery of identified projects (NEW)


Clean, safe and healthy homes and communities

·                Deliver the Primrose Gardens retirement village

·                Deliver improvements to the playing pitches in the borough (NEW)

·                Deliver the Housing Company (NEW)


A strong local economy

·         Bring forward key sites for development

·         Deliver the Market Walk Extension

·         Deliver the Digital Office Park (NEW)


An ambitious council that does more to meet the needs of residents and the local area

·         Transform the way the council delivers services

·         Deliver a borough wide programme of improvements to street services

·         Deliver a review of our approach to partnership working (NEW)


Councillor Alan Cullens, Leader of the Opposition, queried the description of the project relating to building community resilience.  Councillor Wilson explained that the project needs to be flexible to meet the individual needs of communities.  The aim is to encourage groups to operate independently. 


Councillor Martin Boardman, Deputy Leader of the Opposition, commented on the investment undertaken by the administration in rural areas in comparison with the town centre.  Councillor Wilson highlighted that some facilities within the town centre, such as the Market Walk extension, the Youth Zone, Primrose Gardens and the Digital Office Park will serve the whole Borough.  Resources had been allocated to support rural libraries, bus services, the Croston flood relief scheme and Neighbourhood Area projects throughout the Borough.  


Before taking a decision on these proposals, Members considered alternative proposals put forward by the Conservative Group in the following agenda item.