Issue - decisions

Outcome of 2017/18 Homes England Audit - Primrose Gardens

04/12/2019 - Outcome of 2017/18 Homes England Audit - Primrose Gardens

James Thomson, Interim Financial Services Manager, presented the report which updates Members on the outcome of the 2017/18 Homes England audit of the Primrose Gardens project and the expected 2018/19 audit of the project.


The Council received an amber grade as the valuation of the site was not signed off until the 31 March 2018 when the start on site was documented as 23 March 2018. 


Homes England had requested that the audit is completed by the end of July 2019, but due to the statutory requirement to sign off the audit of the statement of accounts by the end of July this deadline is not achievable.  Since the writing of the report Homes England have advised that the project will not be audited for 2018/19. 


The Committee noted the frustrations of the officers in receiving the amber rating and noted that the Council are now better prepared for any future Homes England audits.  Internal audit will undertake audits on large capital projects as a matter of course.    


Members discussed the excellent facility at Primrose Gardens, which is now in a snagging phase prior to opening this summer. 



1. To acknowledge the findings of the 2017/18 Homes England audit.

2. That an email be sent to the officers involved in the Primrose Gardens project to thank them for their work.