Issue - decisions

Milestone Meadow Play Area Contract Award

19/08/2022 - Milestone Meadow Play Area Contract Award

Recommendations approved.


Reasons for recommendations:

1.    A compliant competitive intermediate value procurement exercise has been followed.


2.    The play area and open space enhancement was tendered direct to companies specialising in play equipment installation and groundwork construction.  Three tender proposals were submitted on time.


3.    These submissions were evaluated carefully against robust criteria by an evaluation team of Open Space Strategy Officer, Streetscene Manager and Play Inspector.  The preferred bidder scored the highest points owing to having the ability to deliver all the elements of the project for the budget available and scored highly on play value, aesthetics and design response.


Other options considered and rejected:

Three compliant bids were received by the deadline in response to the ITQ.  Each bid was carefully considered against the evaluation criteria by an evaluation team. The bids which scored below 97 were rejected at this stage, pending the shortlisted bidder providing more detailed information. The bid was found to be compliant with the criteria.