Issue details

Virtual Post Room

1.         That Executive Cabinet support the drive to streamline mail handling through a phased introduction of a hybrid mail solution across the council. Mail received and sent by the Council will therefore be dealt with by external suppliers.

2.         That Executive Cabinet support and approve the suggested changes for the circulation of agenda papers to be distributed electronically and paper copies available only at meetings. This will be supported by a review of the technology used by members in 2013.

3.         That steps are taken internally to stop mail being sent by first class post unless there are exceptional circumstances (to include mail sent to members) such as time related constraints or legal requirements. However effective planning of mail despatch can help with the management of this.

4.         That Executive Cabinet support the drive to reduce costs by increasing the level of electronic applications for services through the provision of the new website and intranet.

5.         Where appropriate the Council will partner with existing suppliers i.e. for the provision of rail cards where this does not disadvantage the customer and reduces costs. Service improvements will continue to be supported by a variety of existing access channels such as by phone or in person for advice and support through the Councils Customer Service Centre.

6.         That members note the efficiency savings that will be achieved through the reduction in internal staff resource deployed to deal with mail and also the copying equipment used to produce it.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/11/2012

This decision will be taken under urgency procedures.

Reason for urgency:
Only 16 days’ notice were given

Decision due: 22 Nov 2012 by Executive Cabinet

Lead member: Deputy Executive Leader, Executive Member (Resources, Policy and Performance)

Lead director: Chief Executive

Will the public be excluded?: Yes, paragraph 3 (information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person including the authority holding that information)

Are there any background papers: No


Agenda items
