Issue - meetings


Meeting: 25/02/2020 - Council (Item 18)

18 General Fund Revenue and Capital Budget and Council Tax 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 566 KB

To seek approval to recommendations from the Executive contained in the attached report of the Chief Finance Officer (Introduced by the Executive Member for Resources) and within the appendices listed below.

Additional documents:


The Mayor explained that this item and item 6. Fees and Charges Review 2020/21 will be considered at the same time. 


The Deputy Leader and Executive Member (Resources), Councillor Peter Wilson, presented the Executive's General Fund Revenue and Capital Budget and Council Tax 2020/21 and item 6. Fees and Charges Review 2020/21.


Councillor Wilson thanked the officers and the Labour Group for their hard work and input into the proposed budget.  The Council is facing uncertainty in terms of funding streams, with a one-year funding settlement for 2020/21 only from the Government, changes to the Business Rate Retention system and New Homes Bonus. 


Councillor Wilson referred to the achievements of the council in recent years, and the plans within the Corporate Strategy, which will be delivered by this proposed budget. 


The council has been ambitious in its approach to meeting the budget deficit through generating efficiency savings and additional income.  However, there remain large forecast budget deficits of £1.087m in 2021/22 and £2.061 in 2022/23.  To achieve a sufficient reduction in net expenditure the Council’s strategy will be:

1.         To make the council more financially self-sufficient with specific emphasis on creating investment that generates income.  This includes identifying future uncommitted resources to support income generating schemes.

2.         To realise savings through the procurement of its contracts. 

3.         To identify the efficiencies through investment in infrastructure, ICT and through exploring alternative delivery models that will enable the council to balance the budget whilst seeking to minimise the impact on front line service users. 


In summary, the proposals will:

Involving residents in improving their local area and equality of access for all

·                £50,000 ongoing investment in neighbourhood projects identified as priorities by local residents.

·                £60,000 to fund resource for digital inclusion to ensure that residents from across the borough are enabled to access services online.


Clean, safe and healthy homes and communities

·                £120,000 to support the ongoing work of the Youth Zone to continue to deliver high quality diversionary and wellbeing activities for young people in Chorley.  This includes budget for additional outreach for those living further from the town centre.

·                £50,000 to improve street cleaning and litter collections. Resident dissatisfaction was 12.79% for September 2019 compared to a target of 20%.


A strong local economy

·                £125,000 to deliver an ambitious events programme including the Flower Show, Chorley Live and Christmas attractions attracting more than 69,000 people.


An ambitious council that does more to meet the needs of residents and the local area

·                £60,000 to support over 230 vulnerable individuals, achieving better wellbeing outcomes £70,000 to run and improve key bus routes in the borough to mitigate the impact of county wide cuts, ensuring that residents can access all areas of the borough.


With reference to the Capital Programme there will be investment in the Markets, on Chapel Street, affordable housing and local service centres.  In addition, there will be investment in Westway Playing Fields, improvements to Union Street Offices, Astley Hall and Park and Whittle Health Hub.  Large sites will be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 18