Agenda and minutes

Executive Member for Resources (expired) - Friday, 28th March 2008 3.00 pm app available
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Venue: Committee Room No. 1, Town Hall, Chorley

Contact: Tony Uren 

No. Item


Declarations of Any Interests

The Member is reminded of his responsibility to declare any personal interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda. If the interest arises only as result of membership of another public body or one to which the Member has been appointed by the Council then he only needs to declare it if he intends to speak.


If the personal interest is a prejudicial interest, then the individual Member should not participate in a discussion on the matter and not seek to improperly influence a decision on the matter.


The Executive Member had no reason to declare an interest in the meeting’s agenda items.


Core Funding, 2008/09 - Awards of £5.000 or less pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To receive and consider the enclosed report of the Corporate Director (People).


The Executive Member for Resources received and considered a report of the Corporate Director (People) seeking instructions on the applications that had been received from a number of organisations and local groups for core funding grant aid.


The Council’s revenue budget for 2008/09 contained a £141,430 provision for the award of core funding grants to organisations that provided non-profit making services in the Borough which furthered the Council’s strategic objectives and themes in the Community Strategy.


The Executive Member had delegated authority to approve core fund grants up to a maximum of £5,000 provided the applications satisfied the relevant criteria.  The total amount of grant aid recommended for approval fell within the available budget provision.


The application for core fund grants in excess of £5,000 had been determined by the Executive Cabinet at its meeting on 27 March 2008.


Decisions made under delegated powers:


(1)       That approval be given to the award of the following grants to the organisations identified below from available resources in the Core Funding budget for 2008/09, subject to the Corporate Director (People) agreeing and signing off a Core Funding Agreement with each organisation:



Core Funding Grant Awarded

Victim Support, Lancashire (Chorley Branch)

£2,280, subject to Victim Support providing satisfactory evidence of how the service in Chorley has operated following its restructure and details of how the award will be spent in Chorley.

Preston and Western Lancashire Racial Equality Council


Chorley Women’s Centre


Chorley and South Ribble Council for Voluntary Service

£4,840 to be paid by internal transfer.

Help the Homeless, Chorley


Central Lancs Dial-a-Ride


Preston and Lancashire Survivors


Chorley Pensioners Association

£350, subject to the Association clarifying how it contributes to the wider work of partners, including Chorley Council, in improving outcomes for older people.


(2)       That the two applications for core funding received from Cuerden Valley Park Trust and Chorley FM be each refused on the ground that they do not satisfy the relevant criteria.


Reason for Decisions:


The core funding grants to the identified key local organisations will enable them to continue with their work which contributes towards the Council’s strategic objectives and strategic themes in the Borough’s Sustainable Community Strategy.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected:


The only alternative option would be to reject the applications.


Astley Park - Lease of Pets Corner pdf icon PDF 439 KB

To receive and consider the enclosed report of the Corporate Director (People).


The Corporate Director (People) presented a report seeking approval of proposals for the future management of the new Pets Corner and refreshment kiosk to be established in Astley Park.


Negotiations had been conducted with the Brothers of Charity (BoC) who had expressed an interest in undertaking the day to day management and operation of the new Pets Corner.  The BoC was a long established local charity working with adults with learning difficulties.  The charity planned to use skilled staff to support adults with learning difficulties to care for the animals and the physical resources within the compound.


The Corporate Director (People) had also recommended that the BoC be requested to accept responsibility for the management of the refreshment kiosk to be established in the pavilion adjacent to the Pets Corner.


The report was accompanied by the draft Heads of Terms to underpin a proposed 10 years lease agreement with Brothers of Charity for their management of the Pets Corner and refreshment kiosk within Astley Park.  The Corporate Director of Governance pointed out the need for the inclusion of a clause in the lease allowing for its termination in the event of BoC ceasing to manage the Pets Corner and for alternative management arrangements to be put in place.


The Corporate Director of Human Resources and Operational Development also drew attention to the possibility of the TUPE regulations being applied in the event of the cancellation of the agreement if persons were employed by BoC to work solely on the project and the Council continued to operate the project after cancelling the agreement.


The Executive Member also suggested the provision of an appropriate notice on site to clarify the operators of the facility.


Decision made under delegated powers:


That approval be given for the Council to enter into appropriate legal agreements with Brothers of Charity under which they will be responsible for the management and operation of the Pets Corner and refreshment kiosk to be provided within Astley Park on the basis of the Heads of Terms attached to the submitted report, amended to take account of the recommendations of the Corporate Director of Governance and the Corporate Director of Human Resources and Operational Development.


Reason for decision:


The arrangements will provide an opportunity for the Council to establish a collaborative and productive partnership with the Brothers of Charity at no cost to the Council.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected:


The alternative option would entail Chorley Council undertaking the responsibility for the future management and maintenance of the Pets Corner and refreshment kiosk.


Time Off in Lieu Policy pdf icon PDF 33 KB

The Executive Member is requested to consider and approve for adoption across the Authority the enclosed draft Time Off in Lieu Policy.


The policy has been compiled following a wide consultation process with staff and trade unions.


The Executive Member for Resources was requested to consider and approve for adoption across the Authority a Time Off in Lieu Policy, a draft of which had been provided to the Executive Member.


The policy aimed to clarify and regulate the system to be operated to allow employees performing duties outside of Chorley’s flexi-time bandwidth of 8.00am to 7.00pm time off in lieu.  The policy outlined the respective responsibilities and procedures to be followed by employees and managers in the recording, use and monitoring of time off in lieu entitlements.


The policy had been compiled following a wide consultation process with staff and trade unions and was intended to apply to officers in receipt of a salary on or above SCP 29.


The Executive Member referred to the possible implications of the European Working Time Directive and requested the Corporate Director of Human Resources and Operational Development to ensure that the provisions of the Time Off in Lieu Policy did not override the provisions of the Directive.


Decision made under delegated powers:


That the draft Time Off in Lieu policy, as now presented, be approved for adoption across the Authority, subject to any appropriate revisions required in relation to the requirements of the European Working Time Directive.


Reason for decision:


The policy will provide an adequate and regulated means of compensating employees for time spent in performing duties beyond normal working hours.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected:




Appropriation of land and property remaining in the Housing Revenue Account pdf icon PDF 430 KB

To receive and consider the enclosed report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Business Transformation).


The Assistant Chief Executive (Business Transformation) presented a report requesting the Executive Member for Resources’ approval to the appropriation of a number of fixed assets from the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund with effect from 1 April 2007.


Following the transfer of the Council’s housing stock to Chorley Community Housing Limited, the Cotswold House residential accommodation and a number of other housing fixed assets remained in the Council’s ownership.  The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government had consented to the closure of the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and the transfer of the Cotswold House facility to the General Fund with effect from 1 April 2007.


There was, however, also a need for a number of other fixed assets within the HRA to be appropriated to the General Fund before 31 March 2008 in order to facilitate the closure of the HRA and the release of its financial reserves.  This would ensure that all future income and expenditure generated by the assets would be accounted for in the General Fund and that the total value of any capital receipts arising from future disposals could be used.


Decision made under delegated powers:


That approval be given to the appropriation of the following fixed assets from the Housing Revenue Account to the General Fund at the values indicated with effect from 1 April 2007.


Fixed Asset

Amended Book Value



Various garages and garage plots


Land at St Gregory’s Place


Land at Laurel Avenue


Land at Cabbage Hall Fields


Land at Crosse Hall Lane


Land forming the site of the former
Douglas House




Reason for decision:


The appropriations will enable the prompt closure of the Housing Revenue Account, with the attendant release of its working balance for General Fund purposes.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected:




Procurement of Cash Receipting System for the Council pdf icon PDF 437 KB

To receive and consider the enclosed report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Business Transformation).


The Executive Member for Resources received and considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Business Transformation) on the need to make appropriate procurement arrangements for a new cash receipting solution for the Council upon the termination of the current contract at the beginning of the 2008/09 financial year.


The procurement of a replacement system would need to take account of the fact that, since the installation of the present system in 2003, Civica plc was now responsible for the provision of all of the Council’s financial systems (except cash receipting).  In addition, the growth of card payments to the Council would necessitate the new system to be compliant with the Payment Industry Data Security Standard to protect customers’ personal information.


The costs of the Council providing an in-house system that would be capable of meeting the security standards were likely to be prohibitive.  Consequently, it had been agreed to waive the Contract Procedure Rules to allow the negotiation of a proposed five year agreement with Civica plc under which the company would host the provision of a cash receipting solution for the Council that would enhance the functionality of the present system; provide effective security measures; and complement the Council’s other financial software.  The report also confirmed that the capital and revenue costs of the negotiated five year contract could be accommodated from within present budget provision.


Decision made under delegated powers:


That approval be given to the Council entering into a five year agreement with Civica plc for the provision of a hosted cash receipting solution for the Council on the basis of the negotiated capital and revenue costs.


Reason for decision:


The negotiated contract will provide a cash receipting system offering enhanced functionality and greater security of card data at a cost which can be financed from current budget provision.


Alternative option(s) considered and rejected:


A possible joint procurement arrangement through the use of South Ribble Council’s current cash receipting solution would not provide the enhanced functionality or security arrangements sought.