Agenda and minutes

Chorley Public Services Reform Executive - Tuesday, 23rd April 2019 4.00 pm app available
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Venue: Committee Room 1, Town Hall

Contact: Thembela Duri  01257 515248

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies


The chair welcomed everyone to the Chorley Public Service Reform Executive meeting and the following apologies were noted:


Councillor Alistair Bradley (Chorley Council), Councillor Margaret France; Councillor Dunn; France Alan Cullens (Chorley Council), Rebecca Huddleston (Chorley Council), Sue Moore (Lancashire Care Foundation NHS Trust); Paul Bibby (Lancashire Care Foundation NHS Trust); Tim Grose (Lancashire County Council); Diane Gradwell (VCFS Network)



Minutes and Matters Arising from previous meeting held on 26th of February 2019


No matters arising and minutes were signed off as a correct record of last the meeting


Data and Intelligence


Update from the Population Health Management pilot


Update from the Population Health Management Pilot


Dr Shashidhar Khandavalli gave an update presentation the Population Health Management and activities of the pilot project so far.  He explained that it is a data driven process to understand a range of health and wellbeing factors to inform, and then undertake, targeted interventions with a specific cohort with a focus on frailty.


The pilot is a 20 week project by NHS England covering a population of 58,000 across South Cumbria and Lancashire, with 5 exemplar sites.  The pilot has a 3-pronged approach focusing on developing:

·         Infrastructure – ensuring that data sharing agreements are in place, population is defined and can see residents across services and providers.

·         Intelligence – wide range of data sources and good data analysis

·         Intervention – resident level intervention through care co-ordinators, workforce planning and development, and data capture systems


The pilot is working with a cohort of 144 patients between the ages of 45 and 60 who are moderately frail with the aim of preventing them getting worse.  Patient needs are identified at 3 levels: physical health, mental health and social; interventions are then tailored to meet these. 


Chorley Council have seconded an early intervention officer to the project to support patient level interaction and interventions. The interventions aim to equip residents with the knowledge, skills and confidence to manage their own care, using the PAM (Patient Activation Measure) score as a measure of success. The pilot aims to achieve better patient experience, better outcomes and reduced dependency on primary care.


This pilot is attracting significant attention and likely to be more successful than most pilot areas nationally however more time is needed to fully demonstrate the value and impact of this way of working. The emphasis is now on sustaining the benefits of this approach and way of working beyond the allocated 20 weeks.  The project team are presenting to key stakeholders including commissioners and NHS England to capitalise on work to date and garner support to extend this approach. 



·         Project team to Identify resources needed to continue the project now before the pilot is finished

·         Project team to seek relevant high-level support

·         Further updates will be provided at future meetings



Police response to Mental Health


Chief Inspector Gary Crowe gave an overview of the context for the police response to mental health and some of the challenges faced in dealing with complex cases, particularly the issues around Section 136 detentions and time taken to secure a bed in an appropriate facility. The group discussed previous initiatives including a pilot of mental health nurses responding alongside police and the benefits of this approach.


The group suggested that key stakeholders come together in a task and finish format to look at the section 136 detention process in more detail and consider possible solutions.


Action: PMO to establish a task and finish group to include Chief Inspector Gary Crowe, Phil Gooden, Donna Roberts and Primary Care along with other relevant representatives from Lancashire County Council and Lancashire Care Foundation Trust to explore the process for mental health detentions. 



Programme Updates - Workstreams 1-4


In addition to the programme update information provided in the agenda pack, further presentations were made on the following projects:


a.                  Reform Key Pathways – Design Council review of home adaptations process: Progress, process and lessons learned

b.                  Out of Hospital Strategy (Wellbeing and Health in Integrated Neighbourhoods)



Reform Key Pathways - Design Council review of home adaptations process: Progress, process, lessons and next steps


Hayley Hughes and Phil Gooden presented an overview of the Design Council work.  The project team was made up of representatives from Chorley Council and LCC with the aim to “redesign processes for adaptations to people’s homes to remove the delays and bottlenecks in the system so our residents receive adaptations earlier and are able to live independently for longer.”


The team used a ‘double diamond’ approach that seeks to discover more about the problem so that it can be defined more clearly as a basis for developing potential solutions.  This process has enabled a much clearer focus on customers and how adaptations impact their daily lives.  Community events, workshops and focus groups were used to get feedback and insight into customer issues such delays around adaptations, confusion from having too many services involved, having to understand adaptations process and dealing with contractors.


The key outcomes from this project in terms of recommendations to be taken forward were:

·         Co-location of Occupational Therapists with the Home Improvements Service

·         Understanding and improving customer experience through co-production, making forms more customer friendly and building in feedback loops for continuous improvements

·         Helping people connect with community support


Overall, the team concluded that it has been an insightful project and small changes to the process have the potential to deliver a big improvement for the customer. The design approach can also be applied to other similar process reviews.


Next steps


The project team to:


Ø  Present to relevant boards

Ø  Share learning with Disabled Facilities Grant working group and Central Health and Wellbeing Partnership

Ø  Work through the Integrated Community Wellbeing Service to create opportunities for communities to get involved

Ø  Set timelines for changing the adaptations process



Out of Hospital Strategy (Wellbeing and Health in Integrated Neighbourhoods)


Donna Roberts gave a brief update that the WHIN activity was progressing well and is focussed on the creation and development of neighbourhoods and networks.



Leadership and Organisational and Workforce Development


Further to information on the agenda information pack, verbal presentation of updates on the following were made:


a.      Workplace Exchange Programme – there are 3 exchange programmes currently ongoing with positive feedback to date. Case studies will be developed and shared at a future meeting.  All members of the Executive were encouraged to sign up to the exchange programme and also identify others from within their organisation who may benefit.  The aim is to extend the programme to all partners following the pilot phase.

b.      Design Group – initial meeting held on the 16th of April facilitated by Northwest Employers with Executive representation from the Police, LCFT and Chorley Council


The design group explored the level of commitment to place based working, the challenges that partners experience and the opportunities.  The group identified the need to:


  1. Share success stories of where place-based working is making a difference
  2. Encourage partner organisations to share current plans and strategies with each other in a digestible way – through a strategy on a page
  3. Develop an approach (through 1:1 meetings or group sessions) to define where overlaps currently exist and to recognize what else is happening
  4. Use this intelligence to create an overarching set of principles for all the organisations within Chorley to sign up to
  5. Carry out a refresh of the partnership strategy based on the detailed information gathered so that each partner has both the language and outcomes that connect back to their organizational needs.


The full write up from the session is provided alongside the minutes.




Ø  Partners to supply their 1-page Strategy Document

Ø  Design Group to come up with common ground/overlaps as a basis for collaboration

Ø  Refresh the Partnership Strategy – PMO/design group



Development of Partnership Economic Reform Agenda


A written paper on the Chorley Skills Board was presented by Victoria Willett as part of the information pack distributed in advance of the meeting.  The first meeting of the Board was held on the 2nd April with representation from council employability, business support, private sector, higher education, further education, DWP/Job Centre Plus and Lancashire Skills Hub.


The Board discussed the Chorley Skills Framework.


The group considered the challenges and opportunities in Chorley and agreed to develop a joint action plan with short, medium- and longer-term actions.



Further updates on the Skills Board action plan to be provided to future meetings.

Members of the Executive to raise awareness of the Board with relevant networks.



Any Other Business


There was no other business raised.



Date of Next Meeting

16th July at Chorley Town hall


Thembela Duri

Public Service Reform Support Officer

Tel: (01257) 515248


Distribution:All members and officers of the Chorley Public Services Reform Executive.



16TH of July 2019